
Year: 2015

Where to Start?

Exit planning for business owners is without question an intricate, multifaceted task. For the past twenty years, we have advised our business owner clients and prospects to start with the same 3 questions. These answers provide the framework for the entire exit and what life looks like post-exit. 1. When


Protect. Protect. Protect.

The gryphon is a legendary, mythical creature — half lion and half eagle. Its duty is to guard and protect family treasure and priceless possessions. At Gryphon Financial Partners, it is our goal and our honor to safeguard our clients’ lifestyle, business equity, personal wealth and legacy. Protect Family: The


Estate Planning – Are your Values Present?

As clients near retirement, it is obviously very natural to have changes to their overall estate plan. Clients have spent most of their life accumulating wealth and want to retain as much as possible to pass onto future generations in a tax efficient manner. When one hears estate planning, this


Exiting Your Business – Find an Expert

Most business owners spend 70-80 hours per week running their business. Their focus, as it should be, is on growing revenue, increasing margins, developing and managing their people and increasing the overall value of the business. This skill set is very unique and one that very few people possess which


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